Welcome back, 2-G Families! We had a fantastic first full week of school in the New Year. Please enjoy these highlights of our studies:
Literacy: Readers are studying biographies this month. Each student chose a special person to study. We are using Post-it notes to write down important facts that we find in our biographies. These Post-it notes get put onto a planning poster in order. The final step of our study is to write our own versions of biographies! It is a challenging task to choose what facts are most "important" and I am so impressed with the 2-Gers efforts!
Math: It's time to tell time! We began our study of time this week by looking at time to the hour and half hour. Students are learning to write/tell time both on an analog clock and digitally. Next week, we'll be focusing on quarter hours and ten minute segments.
Writing Workshop: Inspired by all of this cold weather, students are writing winter acrostic poems. We have written poems about sleds, penguins, jackets, hats, and snowmen. Writers learned to use descriptive language in their poems. Ask your writer to tell you how an acrostic poem works!
Social Studies: 2-G has started our Japan unit. Students began exploring the land/location of Japan, as well as it's flag. This week, we learned about schools in Japan and ultimately created Venn diagrams comparing our schools to theirs. We are working on an incredible project in the computer lab that correlates to our study. 2-Gers are using Animoto to design their own slideshows that include images of Japan that math topics we've studies. When these slideshows are finished, they get pieced together into a short movie. We will debut these toward the end of the month!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Literacy: Readers are studying biographies this month. Each student chose a special person to study. We are using Post-it notes to write down important facts that we find in our biographies. These Post-it notes get put onto a planning poster in order. The final step of our study is to write our own versions of biographies! It is a challenging task to choose what facts are most "important" and I am so impressed with the 2-Gers efforts!
Math: It's time to tell time! We began our study of time this week by looking at time to the hour and half hour. Students are learning to write/tell time both on an analog clock and digitally. Next week, we'll be focusing on quarter hours and ten minute segments.
Writing Workshop: Inspired by all of this cold weather, students are writing winter acrostic poems. We have written poems about sleds, penguins, jackets, hats, and snowmen. Writers learned to use descriptive language in their poems. Ask your writer to tell you how an acrostic poem works!
Social Studies: 2-G has started our Japan unit. Students began exploring the land/location of Japan, as well as it's flag. This week, we learned about schools in Japan and ultimately created Venn diagrams comparing our schools to theirs. We are working on an incredible project in the computer lab that correlates to our study. 2-Gers are using Animoto to design their own slideshows that include images of Japan that math topics we've studies. When these slideshows are finished, they get pieced together into a short movie. We will debut these toward the end of the month!
Have a wonderful weekend.