Happy Saint Patrick's Day! 2G had a wonderful week. On Monday, we participated in a drumming workshop with the Japanese Drumming Troop, Genki Spark. It was amazing! Please enjoy these highlights of our studies:
Literacy: Readers are working in centers to improve fluency skills. This week's centers included: Computer Center (where students read a story on Raz Kids), Book Bins Center (teacher chosen texts at appropriate level), Listening
Center (with our new listening station), Guided Reading Groups, Games Center (focus on phonics), and Reader's Theatre Center. I am so proud of what incredible readers students have become!
Fundations: Students studied homophones this week. We listen carefully to how these words are used in sentences so that we can choose the correct spelling. You can hear that we are having fun here!
Math: We have recently completed our study of polygons and congruency. On Wednesday, we began our unit focusing on the number 100. Mathematicians are using different tools such as place value blocks and coins to find ways to make 100.
Writing Workshop: Poetry is blooming in 2G! Our poetry study began with "color poetry" this week. Students use beautiful descriptions in their poems about their favorite colors. Each week, we'll be focusing on a different type of poetry. Their words have taken my breath away!
Social Studies: We explored a number of items from Ghana. Our kits included student notebooks, jewelry, pottery, clothing, carvings, bags, and cloth that have been collected from the travels of Brookline teachers. Mrs. Gomes wrapped everyone in her Kente Cloth! We also researched the Ashanti people of Ghana and what symbols are very important to their culture.